Importance of an Employment Agreement

When hiring, an employment agreement becomes a mandate no matter the hiring is full time or part-time. It is an all-inclusive record on paper that discourses all clauses that govern the employment, as well as the rights, obligation and responsibilities of the parties involved with respect to the other. Some of the probable points of an Employment agreement comprises of salary break-up, joining date, notice period and non-compete clause.

All the fields are monidatory.

Registration Process

Online Registration

Benefits of an Employment Contract

Minimal Liability

Employment agreements shield the rights of the staffs as well as the recruiters. A definite, well-devised clause in an employment pact will keep things on the right path and steer clear from uncertainty and also minimise legal liabilities.

Gives Assurance

Any legal agreement keeps both the parties at peace. So does an employment agreement. Once the staff and the employer sign the contract, it develops a feeling of mutual respect. The contract also sets the responsibilities and obligation for the involved parties, making sure that both the parties are treated fairly in case a scenario written on the contract ensues.

Employment Agreement Process


Upon contact, your request to write an employment agreement will be received and our representative will be in touch with you to take your request forward. If we need more information from your end, we will call you as and when required. After we receive all your details, our in-house lawyers and legal experts, will create the employment agreement and send it across for your view within 2- 4 business days.


Your original price includes two rounds of iterations. Therefore, if you need any changes done to the agreement, our lawyers will do the needful and send it across to you for your view once again.

FAQs on Provisional Patent

A patentable invention can be any (1) Art, process, method or manner of manufacture, (2) Machine, apparatus or other articles, (3) Substances produced by manufacturing, (4) Computer software with technical application to industry or used with Hardware, and (5) Product patent for food, chemicals, medicines and drugs.

20 years from the date of filing for a provisional or permanent patent, the patent falls into the public domain.

The details of the invention on a CD or pen drive, along with its name, comparison with existing products, uses and date of publication (if any). Applicant information is also required.

A patentee must disclose the invension in the patent document for anyone to practice it after the expiry of the patent or practice it with the consent of the patent holder during the life of the patent.

It is, therefore, effective only in India. However, filing an application in India enables the applicant to file a corresponding application for same invention in convention countries, within or before expiry of twelve months from the filing date in India. Therefore, separate patents should be obtained in each country where the applicant requires protection of his invention in those countries. There is no patent valid worldwide.


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