File a Patent in India - An Overview

A patent is a right granted to an individual or enterprise by the government that excludes others from making, using, selling or importing the patented product or process without prior approval.

A patent, like any other intellectual property like Copyright or Trademarks, can be transferred or sold by the inventor.Every Indian inventor who wants to protect his/her intellectual property, irrespective of their sector, looks through ways on how to file a patent in India. Patent filing in India requires proper documents and is a fairly complicated ordeal, however, with the right legal guidance it can be done easily. Vakilsearch helps you with the simplest way to file a patent.

Why filing a Patent in India? - Benefits

Granting of a patent is a form of encouragement for innovations and inventions, and once a patent applicant files for it he or she becomes the exclusive owner of the invention if the patent is granted.

Filing a patent in India is important as it restricts the contenders from copying, selling or importing the inventors’ creation without their permission, and it is valid for a period of 20 years from the date of application of the patent.

A patent, like any other intellectual property, can be transferred or sold by the inventor.


A patented product is likely to improve brand perception and potentially enable your business to charge a premium.

  • Patents can increase your business revenues while slowing down rivals for years to come.
  • With exclusive rights, the owner of the patent controls the use of the invention for a full twenty years.
  • Patents can be sold and licensed like other forms of property
All the fields are monidatory.

Registration Process

Online Registration

How to make money from Patenting your invention?

Any patent holder looks for ways to monetize the patents and wants to enjoy the fruits of his hard work and research. The two ways to earn from it are:


A patent owner can license his idea to another and give rights to the licensee to sell or make the patented invention. The patent holder can control these rights. A license agreement must include upfront payment and royalty percentage. Royalty is the percentage of the revenue earned from the licensed product over a period of time.


A patent can be sold to anyone within the country where the invention is patented. By selling patents, inventors can usually demand a lump-sum payment and is best in the long run. He can be free from maintenance fees for the patent office, litigation fees and most importantly free from worrying about future economic recession.

Publication of Filed Patent

The Indian patent office keeps every patent application confidential until it gets officially published in the Patent Journal.

The publication of filed patent happens automatically after 18 months from filing the applications, and there is no need of any request to be raised.

To get the patent published in advance, the applicant has to initiate a formal request and it will get published within 1 month of the request.

The publication date does matter the most as the inventor is entitled to protect his work legally post publication.

How to get a Patent in India? – A detailed patent filing process

Patents can be secured by following the below-mentioned steps:

The procedure for the grant of the patent begins with the

  • Step 1: Filing a patent application:

    Ideation: Here, you need to clearly pen down the idea or concept, clearly mentioning the key details about the invention and the desired patent.

    Visualisation: Visualise your idea and elements like diagrams that explain more about the invention.

    Verification: Verify whether your invention is patentable as defined in the Indian Patent Act. Some inventions may not be patentable, and it is necessary they meet the patentability requirements such as:

    - Novelty

    - Non-obviousness

    - Usefulness

    - Patentable subject matter

    Drafting a patent application is an art in itself. Seeking the help of a patent professional will be a wise choice here. If you are in the initial stages of research and development process, then it is best to file an optional preliminary application called provisional patent application.

  • Step 2 : Preparation of patentability report: Authorized patent professionals or patent agents will then do an extensive research and prepare the patentability report, which includes analyses based on the above-mentioned criteria.


    A provisional patent application secures your date and work. This means that none of your competitors can file for a similar invention once an provisional patent application is filed.

    As India follows the first-to-file system, this ensures that the holder of the provisional patent would also be granted the permanent patent

    There is a buffer time of 12 months to further develop your invention and to specify the its complete details. The application gets abandoned upon expiry of 12 months of the application

    The cost and resource involved for provisional patent application are less when compared to the permanent patent

    The provisional specification helps you assess the market potential of your invention before taking the final plunge and filing a complete specification.

    Once you are ready with your R&D and your invention’s detailed specifications, you can go in for a complete patent application.

  • Step 3: Publication of patent application: The application is then published after 18 months. A request to early filing of application can be made along with a prescribed fee.


    A. Patent Examination: would be a formal submission of request for patent examination that must be filed within 48 months from first filing the patent (provisional patent or complete patent). If failed to file within the time frame, per the Patent Act the application will be treated as withdrawn by the patent office. The examiner then conducts a comprehensive investigation and releases the first examination report called patent prosecution.

    B. Patent objections: It is common that patent applicants receive objections, like “inconsistent or unclear claims”, “invention lacking novelty”, etc. Hence, it is mandatory to analyse the patent examination report and draft a proper response to the objections.

    Grant of patent: Once all the patentability requirements are met, the patent grant notification will be published in the Patent Journal.

Licensed Patent agent in India

A licensed patent agent in India is an individual registered for practicing before the Indian Patent Office. Patent agents will help in filling out the necessary forms, contacting the patent office, prosecuting patent applications, and in following up with any issues that arise during the filing of patent. To become a patent agent, the individual should be a citizen of India above 21 years of age and must have cleared the patent agent examination.

A patent examiner is the person who sends the list of rejections and at times when there arises the need to modify the patent application, patent agent can intervene and address the issue or argue against the rejection.


Often the terms “patent lawyer” or “patent agent” are interchangeable but still there are some differences between both at some instances. Patent lawyers are legally qualified to provide advice on intellectual property, infringement and represent others in a court of law. They are also registered with the bar council whereas a patent agent generally holds a degree in engineering, science, and technology.

How can we help in Patent Filing process? Why Bright Legal Registration?

Bright Legal Registration can assist, right from filing the application till the granting of the patent. You can file both provisional patent and permanent patent applications with us.


We will examine all the possible details, including potential uses of the invention across industries and the benefits over existing products.


We will recommend a verified lawyer who will take up your request and draft the application based on the details you provide.


The drafted document will be filed with the Registrar and, on acceptance, you would be able to use 'Patent Pending' on your product any time over the next year.

Common types of patent applications in India

The most common types of patent applications in India are

1.Ordinary application: An ordinary application is filed without claiming priority from any application or any reference to any other application under process in the Indian patent office. It is important to note that the filing date and the priority date are the same. An ordinary application is filed along with a complete specification and claims.

2.Conventional application: When a patent application has already been filed in other country and when the patent is filed for the same invention in India, then this type of application is called conventional application. It is mandatory for the applicant to file the application in Indian patent office within 12 months from first filing it.

3. PCT National phase application: A PCT National Phase application can be filed within 31 months from the international filing date.

4. PCT International application: If you want to claim your priority in multiple countries, then filing a PCT application is important and it allows up to 142 countries. The time period is between 30-31 months from the international filing date to enter and claim protection in each country.

FAQs on Permanent Patent

A patentable invention can be any (1) Art, process, method or manner of manufacture, (2) Machine, apparatus or other articles, (3) Substances produced by manufacturing, (4) Computer software with technical application to industry or used with Hardware, and (5) Product patent for food, chemicals, medicines and drugs.

20 years from the date of filing for a provisional or permanent patent, the patent falls into the public domain.

The details of the invention on a CD or pen drive, along with its name, comparison with existing products, uses and date of publication (if any). Applicant information is also required.

A patentee must disclose the invension in the patent document for anyone to practice it after the expiry of the patent or practice it with the consent of the patent holder during the life of the patent.

It is, therefore, effective only in India. However, filing an application in India enables the applicant to file a corresponding application for same invention in convention countries, within or before expiry of twelve months from the filing date in India. Therefore, separate patents should be obtained in each country where the applicant requires protection of his invention in those countries. There is no patent valid worldwide.


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