What is Trademark Watch?

Registering a trademark is the first step in protecting your brand name. To ensure that you have full control over it, you need to keep a close watch on all attempts by other businesses and individuals to register similar trademarks, even those in other domains. While the Registrar does have its own set of rules for approving trademarks, it is not enough to ensure that no similar or identical brand names are registered. This is where a trademark watch comes in; it will keep you informed of any similar brand names across the web or new applications at the trademark office, both in India and globally.

Advantages of Trademark Watch

Assert Your Rights

The whole point of registering a trademark is to assert your rights. A Trademark Watch would keep you informed of any attempts to register the same or similar trademarks to your own.

Grow Brand Value

For you to be in control of your brand value, you must know how it (and similar words) are being used in public. A Trademark Watch will keep you apprised of how the brand is being used even outside your industry.

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Registration Process

Online Registration

Procedure for Trademark Watch

  • Step 1 :

    You discuss your business and brand with our lawyers. The lawyers recommends the variations on your brand name that need to be tracked.

  • Step 2 :

    We provide you with real-time information on any attempts by other businesses and individuals to register similar trademarks, even those in other domains. This can be done in India and globally.

Why Bright Legal Registration Services


Just tell us a few details about your brand and we'll process your application. In three working days, you'll be ready to use the symbol alongside your brand name.


We make your interaction with government as smooth as is possible by doing all the paperwork for you. We will also give you absolute clarity on the process to set realistic expectations.



FAQs on Private Limited Company

No, new company registration is a fully online process. As all documents are filed electronically, you would not need to be physically present at all. You would need to send us scanned copies of all the required documents & forms.

If you have all the documents in order, it will take no longer than 15 days. However, this is dependent on the workload of the registrar.

The Registrar of Companies (RoC) across India expect applicant to follow a few naming guidelines. Some of them are subjective, which means that approval can depend on the opinion of the officer handling your application. However, the more closely you follow the rules listed below, the better your chances of approval. First, however, do ensure that your name is available.

All directors must provide identity and address proof, as well as a copy of the PAN Card (for Indian Nationals) and Passport (for foreign nationals). No-objection Certificate must be submitted by the owner of the registered office premises.

The DSC is an instrument issued by certifying authorities (TCS and n-Code are two of them) by which you can sign electronic documents. As all documents needed are electronic, partners need a DSC.


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